It’s happening!! I can’t help but think of Michael Scott as I write this but what else can I say when I have dreamed of this for years and it IS finally happening? I am beyond thrilled to launch my website and all that will come with it. I’ve been on this journey for a while now but it seems like a good time to reintroduce myself. My name is Elizabeth and while I have always had a lot of nicknames, the one I’m called the most is Liz. I grew up in Marietta, Georgia and currently live in Atlanta. Something you should know about me is I’ve always been a late bloomer. What comes to mind is I was a bit older when I took my first trip on an airplane! I was 23 when I boarded my first flight that also happened to be an international trip. This trip happened to be a standby ticket so it was not guaranteed I would be able to travel to and from Spain when I intended (or at all!). Thankfully I did and that standby ticket secured me a front row seat in business class no less. This illustrates how I’ve always felt about life milestones happening later for me than my peers. So it was no surprise to me that after years of dreaming and encouragement from others, it took me even longer to convince myself I could pursue my passion for outfit styling and turn this dream into a reality. Something else you should know about me is I’ve loved outfit styling for a very long time. As a child I was happiest sitting at my Barbie dream house styling my Barbie dolls in different outfits. That love of outfit styling grew and grew and now I can say this is even better than dressing my Barbies as a kid. 🙂 Outside of outfit styling, I enjoy running marathons, traveling the world, dancing and making people laugh. Thank you for being here!
Excellent. Keep it up!!
Thank you so much, Julie!
Hi Liz,
Congratulations on the launch of your website. You are the best possible advert for the service you offer, because you look fabulous! 😊 xx
Thank you so much, Harry!! xx
I love your blog & your style !
Thank you so much, Simone!!
Dear Styleliz, I am so thrilled for this launch! You have personally assisted me with custom makeup tutorials, haircare, and long-term travel wardrobe preparation in ways I could have never done on my own.
I am eager for others to experience the vibrant, affirming, and helpful services you offer (and person you are)!
Thank you so much, Marie. You took my very pic I ever posted on my Insta account.